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The fresh water is contaminated. What can I do?

Do you have cloudy water in your vehicle?

  • This may be due to the fact that you have filled your tank with contaminated water, (cloudy) residues are/ have formed in the water tank or the water system.

In such a case, please clean your water system on the vehicle. You can find detailed instructions on how to clean your tank in this article: How do I clean the water system on my HYMER vehicle?

Have you noticed changes in the taste or odour of the water?

  • Here too, it is possible that you have filled your tank with contaminated water; another possibility is that microbiological deposits have already formed in the water system, which can lead to a change in taste or odour. 
  • Have you accidentally added fuel to the water tank? If cleaning the water system is not sufficient, please contact a dealer. You can find your nearest dealer easily and conveniently via the HYMER dealer search.

In such cases, please clean your water system on the vehicle. You can find detailed instructions on how to clean your tank in this article: How do I clean the water system on my HYMER vehicle?

Have you noticed deposits in the water tank and/or in the water-bearing components?

Your dealer will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. You can find an overview of all HYMER dealers easily and conveniently in our dealer search.

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