Do you have a blocked tap? Is the shower head in the shower blocked? Here you will find a remedy for your problem:
If the tap is blocked, the aerator is probably calcified. Please unclip the aerator and descale it with a suitable agent (you can use vinegar water for metal products). You can obtain suitable products from specialist retailers and your dealer. You can find a dealer near you easily and conveniently via our dealer search.
If the shower head is clogged, this is usually due to calcified water jets. To remove limescale deposits from the shower head, you can place the shower head in vinegar water (only use with metal products) or use a suitable agent. You can obtain suitable products from specialist retailers and your dealer. You can find a dealer near you easily and conveniently via our dealer search. You can also try carefully rubbing the soft nozzle nubs to remove limescale from the shower head.
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