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The starter battery or living area battery is not charged during 230 V operation. What can I do?

You have connected your vehicle to 230 V shore power and the starter battery or living area battery is not being charged. What can you do to rectify this error?

Please check the various causes:

  1. Jumbo blade fuse on the starter battery or living area battery defective
    Please replace the defective jumbo blade fuse on the starter battery or living area battery. Please refer to your operating instructions for the exact position of the fuse. You will also find instructions on how to replace the fuses in your operating instructions.
  2. No mains voltage available
    Please check the circuit breaker (fuse box) and switch the circuit breaker back on if necessary. Please refer to your operating instructions for the exact position of the circuit breaker within your vehicle.
  3. EBL is overheated
    Please check whether the ventilation of the EBL is free, the ambient temperature may also be too high. Allow the EBL to cool down.
  4. Too many loads switched on
    Please switch off loads that you do not need and thus reduce Power consumption.
  5. Charging module in the EBL defective
    If the charging module is defective, please contact your dealer. You can find an overview of your nearest dealer in our dealer search.

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